We had a request come in from a developer using the CC web services for better contextual information about the choices users make when selecting a license. In particular, they wanted to present users with information about what "ShareAlike" means. As I dug into it I realized that the existing <description>
we provided for the questions themselves are... well, bad. I can only imagine how hard it'd be to craft a user interface using those as help text.
I just pushed an update to the development version of the API that adds <description>
elements to the individual <enum>
elements. These map to the help pop-ups we use on the main license chooser. If all seems well we'll push this down to 1.5 as well.
I should also note that this update includes two new, very nice (for me) improvements:
- I finally landed Frank's test suite work from last summer. We had intended to replace the whole API with a leaner version, but that's still in the works. So in the interim, we have a test suite and I'm not afraid of change anymore (on this project at least).
- I've updated the documentation to use Sphinx. ReStructured Text is the secret weapon of many a Python project; Sphinx makes it even more powerful, providing a set of directives and tools to generate something that looks, well, at least decent.