CC Open Source Blog

GSoC CC Wordpress Plugin: Weekly Report #9 / #10


by erlehmann on 2010-08-04

Time is running out for work on the plugin. With the 9th of this month being the suggested date to start working on documentation and cleanup and the 16th being a definitive "pencils down" date, I'm definitely in a hurry. Here's my story for the last two weeks, decorated with nicely drawn bullet points:

Two very important things are still missing: A cache for API responses and an easy method for re-embedding. I am going to work on those (and everything else Nathan Kinkade digs up in this version) in the next few days.

The overly frequent API calls result in notable slowness interface-wise and unneccessary load on the server side — so kids, don't try this at home! You have been warned. [ US]: United States [DOM]: Document Object Model