CC Open Source Blog

Add Response Samples and Descriptions for API Endpoints


by Ariessa Norramli on 2020-10-09

This blog is part of the series: GSoD 2020: Improve CC Catalog API Usage Guide

Well, hello again 👋! For week 3 and week 4, I added response samples and descriptions for API endpoints. Writing documentation feels a bit like coding at this point because I need to read a lot about drf-yasg, dig through issues and questions at Github / Stackoverflow to ensure that I don’t ask redundant (or even stupid) questions.

Week 3

Week 3 was quite hectic. I moved back to my hometown during week 3. Took 3 days off to settle my stuff and set up a workspace. I worked on my GSoD project for only 2 days, Monday and Tuesday. I managed to create response samples for most API endpoints. Had a monthly video call with Kriti this week.

Week 4

For this week, I reviewed what I’ve done and what I haven’t to estimate new completion time. Thank god, I have a buffer week in my GSoD timeline and deliverables. So yeah, all is good in terms of completion time. I started to write descriptions for API endpoints. Submitted first PR and published blog entry.

Over and out.