CC Open Source Blog

Finish Video Presentation, Project Report and Evaluation Form


by Ariessa Norramli on 2020-12-01

This blog is part of the series: GSoD 2020: Improve CC Catalog API Usage Guide

For week 10 and 11, I finished porting CC Catalog documentation, submitted a video presentation, and wrapped up my GSoD 2020 journey.

Week 11

For Week 11, I finished working on porting CC Catalog documentation from internal wiki to CC Catalog’s GitHub repository. Kriti told me that there would be a meeting in which I have to present what I've done for GSoD. Since the meeting will take place at 1AM in my local time, Kriti told me that I should send a video presentation instead.

Week 12

For this week, I submitted a video presentation to Kriti. Finished writing project report and evaluation for GSoD. I published 2 blog posts this week. One for updates on Week 11 and Week 12. Another one is a summary of my GSoD 2020 journey, which also serves as a project report.

Signing off.