CC Open Source Blog



by ml on 2007-05-04

Terry Hancock, a frequent poster on the law-oriented cc-licenses list, is working on an interesting metadata library called Palimpsest:

[W]hich has a mnemonic association with what the program does, and does have a clever backronym for those who want one:
P ython
A ttribution &
L icensing
I nformation
M etadata
P rocessor, with
S ystematic
E xtensibility for
S undry
T ypes

Terry's goals for the project:

I'm glad to see Terry tackling this project. It'll be hard to get the abstractions right, but valuable if it works.

I love the project logo:
Palimpsest logo
Not because it is a particularly great logo, but because it's the first logo I've seen that could be mistaken for a captcha. Intentional or not, bound to be independently invented many times, and perhaps copied by me at least once.