My Outreachy Internship With Creative Commons by Queen Fawale on 2024-12-10 IntroductionHi, everyone! My name is Queen, and I’m a fresh pharmacy graduate with a passion for...
Local Environment Creation using Ansible and Docker: Part 1 by Amanda Lee on 2024-07-18 This project explores how Creative Commons (CC) uses Ansible, an automated system administration...
Many Mona Lisas? Artistic Data Quantification and Assessment by Grace Coleman, Anthony Ho, Tyler Phillips, Claire Wan on 2023-04-26 Quantifying the Commons
Considering Community Contributions at Creative Commons by Sara Lovell on 2023-03-24 Different open source communities work differently and so everyone may arrive at Creative...
Thinking More Openly About Working in The Open by Sara Lovell on 2022-12-16 I began working at Creative Commons (CC) as the Full Stack Engineer this year and it’s been...
Data Science Discovery: Quantifying the Commons by Dun-Ming Huang (Brandon Huang), Shuran Yang on 2022-12-07 University of California, Berkeley, Data Science Discovery Program Fall 2022
Building the CC Global Components Library by Muluh MG Godson on 2022-03-17 IntroductionDuring the course of my Outreachy internship with the Creative Commons, I got to...
Upcoming Changes to the CC Open Source Community by Kriti Godey on 2020-12-07 Creative Commons (CC) is adopting a brand new organizational strategy in 2021, just in time for...
Summary: My GSoD 2020 Journey by Ariessa Norramli on 2020-12-02 Thank you for the wonderful experience, Creative Commons!
Finish Video Presentation, Project Report and Evaluation Form by Ariessa Norramli on 2020-12-01 For week 10 and 11, I finished porting CC Catalog documentation, submitted a video presentation,...
Finish GSoD Tasks and Explore CC Catalog Documentation by Ariessa Norramli on 2020-11-20 Today marks my fifth blog entry on Creative Commons. For week 9 and 10, I explored CC Catalog...
Restructure README and Add Documentation Guidelines by Ariessa Norramli on 2020-11-05 This is my fourth blog entry on Creative Commons. For week 7 and 8, I restructured the file...
Add New Sections, Descriptions, Help Texts, Code Examples, Schemas, and Serializers by Ariessa Norramli on 2020-10-21 Welcome to my third blog entry! For week 5 and 6, I added new sections, descriptions, help...
Add Response Samples and Descriptions for API Endpoints by Ariessa Norramli on 2020-10-09 Well, hello again 👋! For week 3 and week 4, I added response samples and descriptions for API...
Add Query Using curl Command and Provide Response Samples by Ariessa Norramli on 2020-09-25 First of all, I’m very thankful to get selected as a Google Season of Docs participant under...
Accessibility and Internationalization: WrapUp GSoC 2020 by Ayan Choudhary on 2020-08-31 These is the final blog of my internship with CC. I am working on improving the accessibility of...
Automate GitHub for more than CI/CD by Zack Krida on 2020-08-26 Get started using GitHub bots and actions for community management and repository health.
X5GON Using CC Catalog API for Image Results by Anna Tumadóttir on 2020-08-24 A few months ago, the Open Education team at Creative Commons made an introduction between the...
Say Hello To Our Community Team by Dhruv Bhanushali on 2020-08-14 Creative Commons is committed to open-source software. We have over two dozen projects, spanning...
Accessibility Improvements: Final Changes and Modal Accessilibity by Ayan Choudhary on 2020-08-12 These are the last two weeks of my internship with CC. I am working on improving the...
CC Search, Initial Accessibility Improvements by Ayan Choudhary on 2020-07-25 These are the seventh and eighth weeks of my internship with CC. I am working on improving the...
Internationalization continued: Modifying tests by Ayan Choudhary on 2020-07-10 These are the fifth and sixth weeks of my internship with CC. I am working on improving the...
Internationalization Continued: Handling strings in the store by Ayan Choudhary on 2020-06-26 These are the second two weeks of my internship with CC. I am working on improving the...
CC Search, Setting up vue-i18n and internationalizing homepage by Ayan Choudhary on 2020-06-10 These are the first two weeks of my internship with CC. I am working on improving the...
CC Platform Toolkit Revamp - 4 by Ana Paula Rocha on 2020-03-04 Phew, how is it possible that we're already in March? Between my last check-in and today, there...
CC Platform Toolkit Revamp - 3 by Ana Paula Rocha on 2020-01-22 Last time I checked-in, I was working on revisiting the current Platform Toolkit and making a...
CC Platform Toolkit Revamp - 2 by Ana Paula Rocha on 2020-01-06 Time is really flying! I can hardly believe this is already week 5 as of my internship with CC...
CC Platform Toolkit Revamp by Ana Paula Rocha on 2019-12-16 I've just finished my second week as an intern for CC (part of the Outreachy program 2019-2020...
Creative Commons Awarded AWS Imagine Grant by Alden Page on 2019-12-12 Creative Commons was recently awarded a $125,000 AWS Imagine grant, which will cover...
Building a Distributed Indexer for a Search Engine by Alden Page on 2019-12-11 With CC Search, we want to make it possible to search all of the estimated 1.6 billion Creative...
Empowering Collaboration in the Commons by Timid Robot Zehta on 2019-11-25 In the past few months I have been privileged to attend [Wikimania 2019][wikimania2019] and the...
Revamping the Creative Commons Global Network website by Hugo Solar on 2019-09-25 The CC Global Network website is the face of our global community; it is the home for a...
Creative Commons Google Docs Add-on by Brandon Dorman on 2019-09-11 A few years ago I published a Google Docs Add-on that allowed users to insert a Creative Commons...
Some thoughts on improving the relevance of images in CC Search by Alden Page on 2019-09-06 Like other image search services, CC Search matches queries with keywords in descriptive...
Easy search and use of CC-licensed images for WordPress by Eleni (Lena) Stergatou on 2019-07-24 Inspiration and idea for the WordPress plugin
Searching 300MM Images with CC Search: Backend Architecture by Alden Page on 2019-06-19 In 2016, Creative Commons hired Liza Daly to build a proof-of-concept engine for searching 10...
CC Catalog: Leveraging Open Data and Open APIs by Sophine Clachar on 2019-06-07 This post is the first of a three-part series about the underlying infrastructure for Creative...
Meet CC’s 2019 Google Summer of Code students by Kriti Godey on 2019-05-30 This year, CC is participating in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) as a mentoring organization after...
CC Google Summer of Code accepted students announced by Kriti Godey on 2019-05-06 Google Summer of Code has just announced the list of accepted students for 2019. We’d like to...
Open Source at Creative Commons - 2019 Global Summit Event by Sophine Clachar on 2019-05-01 Creative Commons has been building free software for over a decade to support its mission of...
Open Development with SaltStack by Timid Robot Zehta on 2019-04-17 I am excited to publicize the open source repository for our SaltStack configuration:...